Since October 12, 2012, Coyote has taken over my artistic life. After more thC. Drawsan eight hundred consecutive daily drawings, I believe this is a serious and ongoing relationship. At heart, this relationship is a mystery. I accept that it could vanish as abruptly as it began. I feel a desire as well as a responsibility to share the results of this strange partnership. This web page is one part of that sharing. But I would also like to share them in a more tangible and durable form, to publish them as a book, perhaps a multi-volume series. My working title for this book is The Coyote Drawings.

The drawings come to me daily, so they are episodic rather than narrative. This book will not be an illustrated story or graphic novel. It is a collection of images in which Coyote grows and develops as he moves through space and time, exploring the world of the modern humans he has come to live among.

My current challenge is to find a proper sequence of images for Volume One. I seek an arrangement that discovers a dreamlike logic, a flow that implies a multi-level narrative that opens the door into a modern mythic world. And in that world, Coyote’s world, the viewer will find the full range of emotion and experience. This includes the goofy and mundane as well as the tragi-comic and sublime, perhaps even the transformative.

Would you join me in entering and sharing Coyote’s world?



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